Wednesday 16 November 2011

Dimmu Borgir Show

And so, I bought a ticket to go see Dimmu Borgir....A band I got into back when one of my brother's mates left the 'Death Cult Armageddon' and 'Enthroned Darkness Triumphant' albums round ours. I was 16 and copied it onto my PC, and played it none stop when I would play Aliens vs Predator 2 online after collage....great soundtrack for a game like that!
The gig itself was in a small venue in Colchester (the Arts Center)..I get show timetables from this place all the time, but I didn't find out about the show from that (as it wasn't put in)...instead it was by pure chance! One evening after finishing work I went to Tesco to buy some crap...whilest in Tesco I found myself in the magazine part looking at mags that came with 'free gifts'...This is when the rock mag Metal Hammer cought my eye, as it was it's 25th Birthday and so came with a free T-Shirt, thus making the normal £4 something price of the mag worth paying lol.....Anyways when I got home a had alook through the mag and very rapidly found myself near the back where the gig adverts are.....This is when I saw Dimmu Borgir and saw they were playing in Colchester!

The show was intense and I was right at the front for both sets, I was on the left facing the stage for the first, then on the right facing the stage for the second! (they played from 8:40-9:40...then changed outfits and played again at 10 till 11..NO support bands!). I brought my proper lil digital camera as i knew my phone wouldn't have high quility or much memory. I Took a few video clips and 20 odd photos.

Here's the video I made using my clips I took from one of the best live shows I'v seen...probably the best live show were I was in the crowd! Plus I got a plectrum thrown at me by Cyrus on bass..sweet.

Here's some of the best photos I took, some of which have been played with on photoshop.

 ^ Made Black and white and contrast/brightness played with on photoshop
 ^ Made Black and white and contrast/brightness played with on photoshop

             ^ Black and white and contrast/brightness played with on Photoshop.

Photos and video clips taken on my 'Fujifilm Finepix JV' camera.

Thursday 10 November 2011

LG GM360

                       LG Viewty Snap GM360

The other month I lost my smart phone virginity and upgraded my old shitty phone (The samsung 1080i) for a more modern (but at the same time probably still considered by some as a mordern shitty phone for being so cheap) the LG GM360 Viewty Snap.

It has only a 5meg camera....but thats all you need really. I'm not gunna write a review for this phone as we all know it's no iPhone 4S, HTC Desire or Galaxy S2....But if you were thinking of getting off contract and going for a decent but cheap phone, then I would suggest it!

Anyways heres some photos I'v taken if you're concerned on the camera quility...(none of these have been edited on the camers's photoedit or my PC's photoshop..they're straight off the phone)

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Legends that lost to 2011

Alot of people have died this year in the celeb world and political world. And I thought it would be cool to give honour to the 3 most significant deaths in my humble opinion...My list will not include Bin Laden (as it was not proved), Amy Winehouse (as she did only two good songs and I thought the Zutons oringinal was better anyway) or Gaddafi...and simply they are not legends.
And yes, I am fully aware that it isn't even November yet and so alot of people could still die...but, unless it's Will Smith or the Dalai list wont change.

Okey lets start with a guy that has had a affect on us ALL....not saying it's always a positive effect, but YOU HAVE BEEN AFFECTED by him.

                                                               Steve Jobs
                                            1955 - 2011

I'm talking of course of Steve Jobs....Even if you're like me and have never owned anything from Apple (ipod,iphone,imac etc etc) you still would of at some point had someone you know show you a song on their iPod, or make a funny status that they typed on their iPhone or showed you a video or website on their iMac or iBook etc....And if you hadn't had anything like that in your life, then you must of seen one of the Toy Story films or Cars, which were made by Pixar a company that Steve Jobs co-founded. Steve Jobs was a rich guy...being the CEO of a company that makes around $65 billion a year.....I rekon his family and friends are over his will like vultures.

                                                                Ryan Dunn 
                                                1977 - 2011
Ryan Dunn....what can I say...I didn't hear about this on the news or on the web,but instead from a mate at work the day after, and I couldn't believe it. Ryan was a legend from the CKY crew (cky being the guys that pathed the way for Jackass)....He was also in a few films, but Haggard being the best, not only as a film but also because Ryan was the main character (As it's based on true events of his life). He was also in Viva La Bam and in all three of the Jackass movies....To most Ryan dunn was known only for Jackass, but to real fans he was known as being a loyal mate to Bam Margera and having a great sense of humour. This guy went through alot of pain to get his money,fame and respect.
                                            Marco Simoncelli 
                                              1987 - 2011

  Marco Simoncelli was a Italian superbike racer in MotoGP...(Best sport on TV second only to Rugby).... Marco was a great rider for his age (only a year older than me)....He got killed in a race when he lost his balance whilist on a corner during  the Malaysian Grand Prix on the Sepang Inter Circuit, and his bike went in the path of two bikes coming up behind ( Colin Edwards and Valentino Rossi)....Rossi's bike hit second which took off Marco's helmet. Lord knows what kinda effect this will have on Edwards and of course Rossi. His death is a reminder of how dangerous the sport really is.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

                                DISTRUCTION OF THE RED BULL

                                     August 2007 - July 2011

                                                          I drove it like this for 0.4 miles!
My first crash...and the distruction of the RED BULL!
On my way to work at 6:45ish am on July the 16th, I had a accident in my car at the Mill road/Northern approach cross section.... It was a wet morning and I had just spent the last 3 days in Manchester seeing a mate. When I had my crash I drove my car O.4 miles down the road, and finally pulled over after i relised the stearing was damage. I then saw the damege to my car! ( I was also looking for a safe place to pull over as I DIDN'T WANNA PARK ON THE NORTHERN APPROACH JUST BEFORE RUSH HOUR :)
The Red Bull was a write off, and even though it was a accident due to wet conditions, plus I got no money for it and I didn't hit anyone, my car insurence has gone up by (now I would just like to say that I'v been driving since 2006....and in that time I'v had no speeding tickets nor crashed or any other traffic offences)..Well lets just say, my insurence for that car, which was a 1.6, was £900ish a for a VW POLO 1.4's  £1900 ish a year!..BULL SHIT!

The Day Before the crash..chilling out in Manchester with a coffee in NICE weather